Rules and Regulations


  • Fair is open to bordering towns except as noted in individual classes.
  • All entries close at 11:00 a.m. Friday unless otherwise specified in the premium book.
  • Premiums will be paid within 30 days of the closing of the fair. Livestock premiums will be paid prior to the closing of the fair.
  • All premiums awarded will be liable to prorated reductions sufficient to meet any deficiency that may occur in the receipts.
  • All contestants and exhibitors shall provide a certificate of liability insurance issued to the Litchfield Farmer’s Club, to their respective Superintendent, prior to the completion of entrance forms or agreements. The amount shall be a minimum of $300,000 for all pulling events, and $100,000 for all others.
  • Any situation that may arise that is not covered by these rules; the decision will be left to the discretion of the respective Superintendent.
  • No dogs are allowed on the grounds except Law Enforcement or Service Animals.
  • A fee will be charged for trailer hook-ups.
  • There shall be no alcoholic beverages or drugs on the Fairgrounds. Persons found to be impaired may be required to leave the grounds or disqualified from any contest.
  • Illegally parked vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • The Fairgrounds will be locked at 6:00 p.m. on Monday following the Fair.


  • First bedding will be furnished by the Association.
  • First bedding will be furnished by the Association.
  • All entries must be in the name of the owner.
  • Competitors for premiums on stock, or their accredited representative, must be with their stock while it is being judged. If they are not present when the judge comes to examine, the exhibit shall not be noticed.
  • Cattle (pulling classes excepted) may be taken away from the grounds after 4:00 p.m. on the last day of the Fair.
  • Competitors and others shall not engage in conversation with any judge while the judge is making examinations except to answer questions as may be put to them by the judge.
  • No animal shall receive more than one premium in the same year except as part of a group class or in steer classes and show horse and pony classes.
  • The use of profanity or abuse of any animal is forbidden under penalty of being ruled out of the class.
  • Age of livestock is reckoned on the first day of January and July.
  • Exhibitors of livestock shall be admitted with their vehicle and one helper. Regular admission for all others.
  • Livestock exhibitors are responsible for wheeling manure to designated areas.
  • Only one vehicle per exhibitor (with special window sticker to be provided by the Superintendent) will be allowed in the barn area.


Domestic animals entering the Fairgrounds showing evidence of external parasites, foot rot, shipping fever, or other diseases may be excluded from, ordered removed from the grounds immediately, or otherwise handled as the director of said Division of Animal Industry may direct. No premiums will be awarded on animals ordered removed from the grounds. Warts will be classified as an infectious disease. Exception—4-H Club slaughter steers with warts may show at fairs at which they are sold immediately for slaughter, providing they are stabled in an area satisfactory to the Commissioner or his agent, and that no other cattle shall be housed in this area until it has been cleaned and disinfected. All domestic animals and poultry originating outside the State of Maine must meet the same requirements to show as are required for entry into the State.


(Equine Infectious Anemia)

All horses or other Equidae must comply with regulations of the Maine Department of Agriculture. (Coggins Test Required). Rabies required.


Permit is required for all cattle imported into the State of Maine. All breeding bovines imported into the State of Maine must be tested within 30 days prior to the date of entry for both Tuberculosis and Bruceliosis (except official vaccinates under 18 months of age). No Bruceliosis or Tuberculin test is required for cattle in the State of Maine if they originate directly from herds within the State, not under quarantine. All cattle will be required to have ear tags—no tattoos.


There are no entry fees. Numbers shall be placed in a container according to the position the team weighed-in or entered. A disinterested person at ringside shall draw all numbers to determine the positions the team shall draw. Before a team is allowed to pull the owner shall provide a certificate of liability insurance in the amount of $300,000. Any animal which is thin and dehydrated, shows open sores, or is lame shall be disqualified. The Fair reserves the right to accept or reject any entry, to close or re-open any class, to set ahead or change the program if deemed necessary for the best interest of the Fair. The ring will be maintained as well as possible by Fair personnel. A substantial barrier shall be maintained at the end of the ring toward which the pull is proceeding as to prevent or substantially impede runaways.

All teamsters who are to compete in contests shall have their teams ready at the published starting time. All classes shall close after the positions are drawn. Classes shall start as nearly as possible to the published time. No horse shall be entered or pulled twice in the same class. Splitting of teams is left up to the Superintendent. Teamsters may not be changed after the first load is pulled.

All pulling horses will be required to have a picture of the head of the horse being pulled and its name attached to the Coggins Test Paper.

Check weighing will be allowed prior to the official weigh-in. Official weigh-in will allow one weigh-in only by the same team. Team must have leather halters and shoes on. Even weight only. Nothing extra for shoes and halters. They will be weighed in the presence of a delegate appointed by the Fair or person who is conducting the contest. The scale shall be balanced with a man standing on same; this man will hold all animals where possible.

Time limits shall be five (5) minutes, unless otherwise agreed upon by the teamsters. The time limit to hook on in distance pulls shall be three (3) minutes. Time taken out to position the drag for the next pull shall not be counted. Time starts when the drag is moved. In the case of a tie on the longest distance, the second longest distances already pulled will take first place. Any number of helpers will be allowed to help hitch. After hitch, only one helper. The helper shall stay behind the drag unless needed to help the teamster with snarls and turns. On oxen, the helper must stay behind the drag at all times after hitch-on. The helper shall not have a stick. Evener men must remain quiet after hitching on. There will be one hundred (100) pounds of tolerance on draft steers and oxen on and after Labor Day weekend.

Measuring shall be in a straight line to the nearest point on the drag. Line to line measuring will be allowed. The front of the drag must touch the line before turning. To get the full line measure, the drag must be turned out more than (1/2) half way, or completely out over the line. Team shall stay hooked to the drag at all times. No unhitching and re-hitching is allowed. An actual separation, breaking, or bending of equipment shall constitute a breakdown. Any team breaking down can take the distance pulled or return to last position and pull over. (Only one (1) breakdown is allowed.) One (1) inch shall constitute a hitch.

On horses, the very light use of reins on hind quarters only, and no over and under will be allowed. No whips, brads, or goads will be allowed. Reins will not be doubled up. No electrical or electronic devices will be allowed. No open bridles will be allowed. On oxen, the use of a goad shall be very light. The goad will have no brad in it; only a plain yoke and chain or pole that may be pulled. All chains shall be covered to the hook. No plastic goads will be allowed. The goad stick must not be over four (4) feet long and must not exceed one half (1/2) inch in diameter on the small end. The goad stick may be taped but not weighted. The stick may be used lightly on the face to control the oxen, but not around the eyes. Bull rings, ropes, halters, etc., are not allowed in pulling rings. No heading of horses or oxen will be allowed, unless there is a mix-up, snarl, or breakdown. Stepping over the rail counts as a hitch. Any team deliberately driven over the rail will be disqualified from the contest.

All participants will be properly dressed and use proper language at all times. Any participant under the influence of alcohol will be disqualified from the contest. Tests may be made to determine intoxication. Use of drugs or stimulants on any competing animal is prohibited. The Fair or Superintendent conducting the contest reserves the right to test any animal. The owner and teamster found to have used a drug on any competing animal shall be barred from pulling for two (2) years as required by Section 74, Subsection 4.

All rules and regulations of the State of Maine, and the Rules and Regulations on elimination contests of the Eastern Draft Horse Association shall govern all pulling events.


Entries close at 10:00 a.m. Sunday. Age of horses reckoned from January 1st. Stallions must be registered and registration shown at time of entry. No exhibitor (farm) may collect more than two premiums per class.


Polled animals are ineligible to show. Show oxen and steers are shown by weight. Scales open Thursday 6-8 p.m. and Friday 8-9 a.m. All classes will be shown without halters or ropes and with wooden goad without brad or lash. NO WHIPS OF ANY KIND ALLOWED. Show oxen and steers may leave after the show. Exhibitors are allowed to show in all classes but take only two monies.


There will be drawings for free bicycles for girls and boys ages 7 to 14 years. You must register for the drawing at the Information Window at the front of the Exhibition Hall building The drawings will be held on Friday at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday at 3 p.m. 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. There will be one girl's bike and one boy's bike given away at each drawing. There will also be a certificate form K-Mart for a free helmet.
The Litchfield Farmers' Club wishes to thank K-Mart for contributing to this program.


For children Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The winner will be announced daily following the Bicycle Drawing.


Each exhibit is limited to twelve (12) head per breed and must be exhibited in name of owner.


Must be on the grounds by 9:00 a.m. Saturday of the Fair, but may leave after their show. Sign-up by 9:30 a.m. and Show starts at 10:00 a.m. Youth are limted to:

  • Senior - seven (7) head
  • Intermediate - five (5) head
  • Junior - three (3) head

Youth entries may be leased. Please bring lease agreement (dated before the Fair) and proof of insurance to sign up in Show Ring. There are no entry fees. All animals shown must meet all health requirements required by law.


The Fun Show will take place Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the Cattle Show Ring with an Obstacle Course and Costume Class. These events are open to all sheep, goat, beef, dairy, and racing pig exhibitors. Prizes donted from local businesses will be awarded. Come and join the FUN!


Lynn Cameron, Superintendent 737-5760 (evening only)
Flo Bolduc, Asst. Superintendent 512-4610

All Judging will begin on Thursday Morning.
All articles must be entered under the owner’s name.
Premiums will be awarded when the exhibit is deemed of sufficiently high standard. Items must be properly displayed. Premiums will be paid for meritorious exhibits not listed in the schedule, at the discretion of the judges. Positively no premiums will be paid on any article previously exhibited in the Exhibition Hall.

The Fair Association will take reasonable watch and care over all exhibits and have a night watchman, but will not be responsible for articles lost or stolen.

Exhibitors must provide suitable trays or dishes on which to exhibit dairy products, cakes, cookies, etc. Plates will be provided for fruit and vegetables.

All exhibits in the Hall must remain on exhibit until 6pm on Sunday and must be removed by 8pm Sunday. Exhibition Hall will be closed to al l except exhibitors during the removal of exhibits. Items not claimed by 9pm will be disposed of.

  • Youth Exhibits:
  • Up to and including 10yrs of age – Green Tag
  • 11 to 15 yrs of age - Orange Tag
  • Shall be displayed in designated area. Childs age must be provided on the tag.
  • Senior Exhibits:
  • Purple Tags will be used
  • All entrants Age 65 and over
  • Shall be displayed in designated area. Age must be put on the tag. Premiums will be the same as for other adults.


Supt. Paula LaPierre - 933-6494

The 4-H Exhibition Rules are as contained in the Litchfield Fair Program Book and in the Exhibition Hall Rules as printed by the Cooperative Extension Service in Augusta

Each exhibit must be a standard 4-H exhibit as listed in 4-H Project Books.

Each exhibit must be plainly marked with club member's name, age, address, and class (junior, senior or young farmer). Exhibitor's cards available from the local County 4-H Office must be secured and used for this purpose. Leader of each club must register with 4-H Hall Superintendent.

4-H exhibits must be on grounds by 9:00 P.M. Wednesday night. Passes will be issued to 4-H Club Exhibitors.

Judging will begin at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday. Exhibits will be judged by the classified method of judging.