Pulling Horses- Saturday at the Fair!

Dept 150-511
Supt. Donald Ridley
Assits. Supts. Lisa Trombley, Kaitlyn Ridley,
Cameron Ridley
Scales open 7AM Saturday morning.
Open to all
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1. 3,100 lb and under 2 lb Distance
$280 $260 $240 $220 $200
2. 3,400 lb and under 2 lb Distance
$280 $260 $240 $220 $200
3. 3 Horse
$280 $260 $240 $220 $200
4. 3,100 lb - 12 ft Elimination **Ben Larrabee Memorial Pull**
$280 $260 $240 $220 $200
5. Sweepstakes Distance
$300 $280 $260 $240 $220
6. 3,400 lb - Over and Under, 12 ft Elimination
a. Under
$280 $260 $240 $220 $200
b. Over
$300 $280 $260 $240 $220
A horse may only be entered once in any one class.
Twitching and Scooting Contests will be held in the
pulling ring.
Pulling Horse Owners Take Notice
Effective immediately: All owners of pulling horses will
be required to stable their animals in the designated area.
This area does have its own entrance, which is located
just past the main fair entrance on the left. It will be
marked and the gate open.
This is a result of new insurance regulations and will be
enforced. There will be no exceptions.


Farmer’s Horse Pull SUNDAY BEFORE the Draft Show AT 7:30 AM in the Show Ring!

Neither teamster nor horses to have pulled professionally
this fair season. Only 1 horse from each team allowed in
Log Twitching Contest.
10. Log Scooting Contest - Horses will haul loaded scoot
through course
$95 $90 $85 $75 $70 $65 $60